Primary Market Views € - March 2025
Institutional and corporate clients: benefits of investing in money market strategies
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Our liquidity and monetary experts share their market views and convictions on a regular basis. Download our weekly liquidity letter and monthly euro primary market views letter:
Our treasury offer enables investors to manage your risk and optimise your returns by choosing the optimal solution for cash according to your investment horizon
Discover all our investment solutions and how to subscribe
We have designed a wide range of open-ended funds as well as tailored mandates with global liquidity solutions for cash management. Download our liquidity solutions brochure:
in money market management in Europe in euros³
in AuM for treasury1
of liquidity fund management experience1
Leading the way in treasury management for over 30 years:
We offer a comprehensive range of euro and US dollar money market funds aiming to address investors’ needs: liquidity, transparency, security and performance consistency2. With an investment horizon of 1 day, 1 month, 6 months or more.
We provide customised solutions which take into account investors’ specific investments objectives and guidelines such as advisory, partnership and dynamic approach.
Our philosophy is based on a conservative approach. Our standards are reflected in our unwavering search of investment security. We follow structured and disciplined investment processes to maximise the performance of funds according to security constraints.
Risk management is at the heart of our investment process. We focus on quality risk management, limiting risk all along our management value chain.
We rely on a rigorous ESG analysis of companies in which we invest and in a committed voting policy. All our funds comply with SFDR’s article 8 or 9 and are labelled by independent organisations.
Our experienced investment teams are fully supported by talented in-house resources composed of strategists, economists, analysts, traders, risk managers, investment specialists, ESG experts, etc.
1 Source: Amundi figures as of 31/12/2024
2 Amundi’s treasury management funds/sub-funds do not offer a guarantee of capital or performance. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.
3 Source: Broadridge - End of December 2024 - Open-ended Funds domiciled in Europe and in euros only.
This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 Many 2014 on Markets in Financial Instruments (as amended) (MIFID II). It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act. This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”). Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. Past performance does not predict future results. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested. There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a strategy’s performance. The decision of investors to invest in the promoted strategies should take into account all characteristics of objectives of the strategies. All investors should seek professional advice prior to any investment decision, in order to determine the risks associated with the investment and its suitability. Amundi assumes no liability, either direct or indirect, resulting from the use of any of the information contained in this document, and shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any decisions taken on the basis of this information. This information may not be copied, reproduced, modified, translated or distributed, without the prior written approval of Amundi. This information is provided to you based on sources that Amundi considers to be reliable at the date of publication, and it may be modified at any time without prior notice.