International - ARA - Private Debt

Private Debt

The Private Debt’s success is supported by a strong value proposal with portfolio diversification, reliable income streams, attractive risk-adjusted returns, and low volatility.

Amundi’s European Private Debt platform focuses on senior corporate debt, commercial real estate debt and LBO debt across Europe. With 30 highly-experienced specialists located across three investment hubs, 250+ deals completed to date¹ and over €8.5bn of AuM¹, Amundi’s Private Debt team ranks today as number 10 Private Debt Fund Manager in Europe³

Private Debt: supporting profitable and sustainable growth and development of companies

At Amundi's European Private Debt platform we have proven privileged access to private markets, a dedicated and experienced team, and a robust and proven investment process. Finally, since 2014, ESG and extra-financial analysis have been at the core of our investment procedures.


The credit continuum of Europe's first Fixed Income platform

Picto - AuM
€8.5bn in assets¹
Picto - Deals - Investment
250+ deals completed¹
Picto - Years launch
2012 launch of the first fund

Our Investment Strategy

Amundi Private Debt is a leading player in senior corporate private debt financing in the Eurozone mid-market segment.


Our vision

Our funds give investors the opportunity to contribute to the senior financing of unlisted mid-sized companies and thus to get exposure to diversifying assets that offer more attractive yields than those of the traditional bond market. At the same time, our products enable unlisted mid-sized companies to expand their sources of financing beyond bank loans, over the long term (generally seven years), and with repayment at maturity.

Acces to unlisted mid-sized companies in the Eurozone:

Thanks to our many partnerships with leading European investment banks and our considerable fund-raising ability, we enjoy first-hand access to unlisted mid-sized companies in the Eurozone, and we are involved in virtually all private issuances which are eligible to our funds. Since its launch in 2012, Amundi Private Debt has accordingly raised and invested close to €9bn2 through three generations of funds and around 250+ transactions in the Eurozone. Over the past years, around 20 transactions per annum were carried out and in 2021 alone, 50% of the transactions that we made was in Europe outside France, including: Benelux, Germany and Spain.


The team behind the Funds:

The team, made up of highly experienced corporate finance professionals located across Europe including in Spain, Italy, Germany and France, follows a very selective investment process (7% hit ratio) based on an in-depth analysis of the company’s credit quality, the deal structure and the contractual documentation. This rigorous investment process also incorporates ESG criteria. We finance various business projects (investment, external growth, refinancing, etc.) and then support the issuer over the entire lending period, adjusting the documentation where necessary.

Obligations Relance Programme:

Amundi Private Debt, together with 10 asset management companies4 of Crédit Agricole Group, is proud to have been selected by the Fédération Française de l’Assurance (FFA) and the Caisse de Dépôts Group, to manage one of the seven sub-funds of the Obligations Relance (OR) Fund. The investment period of the Obligations Relance Fund should be extended to 31 December 2023.

The purpose of these 11 asset management firms is to offer additional financing to small and mid-sized French companies in the form of Obligations Relance, in order to help them bounce back in a market environment where recovery plans will be soon coming to an end.

Amundi Private Debt and the other 10 asset management firms - which have already been selected to manage Prêts Participatifs Relance (PPR) - have been untrusted with 222M€ for Obligations Relance. This initiative reinforces Amundi’s role in the financing of French companies, and more specifically in helping those companies grow and develop from a digital or environmental prospective, in today’s economic recovery.

Our current offer

Our offer is aimed at European professional investors seeking to diversify their sources of return through closed ended funds and dedicated accounts.

Over the last years, Amundi's range of private debt solutions has expanded from its core expertise of senior corporate debt to include new areas of private lending:

  • Launch in 2017 of innovative private debt financings for real assets in the Italian agrifood sector, mainly backed by ham, wine and Parmesan assets.
  • Launch in 2018 of a leveraged loans investment program focusing on broadly syndicated loans issued for large senior secured LBOs in Europe.
  • Launch in 2018 of a commercial real estate loans investment program offering a diversified exposure to the Eurozone senior real estate debt market. The loans are mainly backed by core+ underlying real estate assets. This program benefits from a particularly favourable Solvency 2 treatment.
  • Upon the success of the Senior Corporate Debt programme, launch in 2021 of a Senior  Impact Debt strategy, dedicated to the financing of growing mid-cap companies in France and in the European Union. While ESG has been integrated into the investment process since 2014, the strategy aims at a stronger ESG ambition. The programme will define Sustainability Indicators and actively support issuers to reach them through either the promotion of sustainability-linked financing or through an innovative Contribution Impact.
International - ARA - Private debt - Agritaly-Cave Parmesan

Amundi ELTIF Agritaly PIR programme

Focus on italian food industry and more specifically on parmessan cheese, cured ham and wine from Italy.

International - ARA - Private debt - Albioma


an independent renewable energy producer focused on biomass, solar energy and geothermal energy, founded in 1982.

Amundi has been supporting Albioma since 2014

How best to integrate ESG at the core of our investment processes?

ESG has been at the heart of Amundi's Private Debt platform and more specifically for its corporate private debt funds since 2014.

Integrating ESG into private debt is part of Amundi's strategy to be a leading asset manager in responsible investing.

But how are ESG criteria integrated within the investment and tracking processes? And how does this translate into practical terms?


Read the Private Debt's Responsible Investment charter and report to find out more on how responsible investing is playing an increasingly important role in our corporate private debt team’s investment processes today.

4 August, 2023
2022 - Responsible Investor Charter - Real Asset - Amundi
4 August, 2023
2022 - Amundi responsible investor report - Real Asset - Amundi

Discover our assets

International - Amundi Real Assets - Discover our asset

The Private Debt platform of Amundi invests €1bn2 on average each year in the 3 expertise :
Corporate debt
Leveraged loans
Real estate debt

Discover our assets





20 October, 2023
Amundi Alternative and Real Assets - Brochure

1. Source: Amundi figures as of end of September 2023
2. Source : Amundi including investments managed on behalf of other expertise and Lyxor assets (30/06/2023)
3. Source: Preqin Markets in Focus : Alternative Assets in Europe 2021, by total capital raised for Europe-focused Private Debt funds in the past 10 Years.
4. The other 10 asset management firms of Crédit Agricole Group involved in the OR initiative include: Amundi PEF, CACF Développement, CARVEST, GSOC, Idia, Pyrénées Gascogne Développement, SOCADIF, SOFILARO Gestion, SOFIPACA, UNE

This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning of the MiFID Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004, and articles 314-4 and following of the General Regulations of the AMF. It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act.

This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”).

Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. In addition, past performance is not in any way a guarantee or a reliable indicator of current or future performance. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested.

There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a fund’s investment strategy or performance.

Potential investors are encouraged to consult a professional adviser in order to determine whether such an investment is suitable for their profile and must not base their investment decisions solely on the information contained in this document.

Amundi assumes no liability, either direct or indirect, resulting from the use of any of the information contained in this document, and shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any decisions taken on the basis of this information.

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