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Impact Investing

Impact Investing combines the pursuit of financial returns with measurable social and / or environmental performance.
With around €500m of Aum¹, 53 social businesses funded and a dedicated team of 6 people, the Impact Investing team at Amundi has been managing the largest social Impact Investing strategy in France, funded with 5 investment themes aimed at meeting the essential needs of men and women.

How to contribute bringing forward environmental and social cohesion issues

Our team aims to support major challenges towards a more inclusive economy and has been doing so for the last ten years. The next stage will consist of investing in projects outside France, build innovative solutions and address new schemes in particular towards the decarbonised economy known as the Net Zero economy.

A key player in social and environmental impact investing which specialises on private Impact Investing in Europe, and more specifically in France

Picto - AuM
€500m of Aum¹
Picto - Deals - Investment
53 social businesses funded¹
Picto - Rating
#1 French social impact fund³

Our investment strategy

Focus on five Impact Investing themes

Impact Investing is combining the pursuit of financial returns with measurable social and environmental performance. Impact Investing is organised around investment themes that are aligned with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals2 and is selecting investees in order to provide solutions to the main social and environmental issues.

The goal of these five themes is to meet the basic needs of women and men by facilitating:

  • Access to decent housing, one of the factors of social cohesion
  • Access to a meaningful job, a factor for social inclusion
  • Access to healthcare
  • Access to education and training
  • The environment preservation and a fair access to natural ressources

Measurability is key for impact investing, together with intentionality and additionality. These core principles are at the heart of Amundi’s Impact Investing’s investment process.

The Impact Investing team analyzes both financial and impact performance, ranks companies between 1 and 10 and has established clear Key Performance Indicators including the number of people housed, the number of jobs created or maintained, the number of beneficiaries of healthcare services, the number of people trained and the number of tones of recycled waste, just to name a few.

Focusing on companies that contribute to the common good is part of the Impact Investing team’s DNA.

Our current offer

Amundi has been managing the largest social Impact Investing strategy in France for the last ten years.

Amundi has developed a social investing offering that falls squarely within a booming sector in France and in a few other countries, in particular thanks to a favourable ecosystem and employee savings plans.

The strategy was created with an « impact First » approach which has enabled the team to support companies from the social and solidarity economy in France over the long-term.

The Impact Investing team supports their long-term development with patient capital. And it works to multiply their positive impact. This programme is symbolic of Amundi's commitment to savers and investors who care about both the most vulnerable people and social enterprises.

The strategy has enabled:


Housing for

17,450 people



63,811 jobs

have been created or preserved



530,159 people

have access to care


768,851 tonnes

of waste collected

International - ARA - Impact investing vignette my retail box

MyRetailBox is a French company specialising in bulk selling and was founded in 2013.

International - ARA - Impact investing vignette ecodrop

Ecodrop is a company created in 2017 that specialises in managing waste from working sites.

For more information on Impact Investing at Amundi, please visit our dedicated website: / or read our brochure

25 November, 2021
Amundi’s Impact Investing brochure

How can we best integrate ESG into the heart of our investment processes?

ESG has been an integral part of the DNA of Amundi's Impact Investing team since 2011.

Integrating ESG into impact investing is part of Amundi's strategy to establish itself as a leading asset manager in responsible investment.

4 August, 2023
2022 - Responsible Investor Charter - Real Asset - Amundi
4 August, 2023
2022 - Amundi responsible investor report - Real Asset - Amundi

Discover our assets

International - Amundi Real Assets - Discover our asset

Amundi’s Impact Investing team has been managing the largest social Impact Investing strategy in France with €500m of AuM, 53 social businesses funded with 5 investment themes aimed at meeting the essential needs of men and women'.

Discover our assets




20 October, 2023
Amundi Alternative and Real Assets - Brochure

1. Source : Amundi including investments managed on behalf of other expertise (30/06/2023).
2. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.
3. Amundi Finance & Solidarité, 30/06/2023.

This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning of the MiFID Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004, and articles 314-4 and following of the General Regulations of the AMF. It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act.

This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”).

Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. In addition, past performance is not in any way a guarantee or a reliable indicator of current or future performance. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested.

There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a fund’s investment strategy or performance.

Potential investors are encouraged to consult a professional adviser in order to determine whether such an investment is suitable for their profile and must not base their investment decisions solely on the information contained in this document.

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