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Race to Net Zero

As an actor of transition, Amundi is committed to supporting the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

Climate Change is arguably the greatest challenge of our times

There is an urgent need to accelerate the transition of our economy towards a low carbon model in order to collectively reach the global objective of net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.
As a pioneer in responsible investment, Amundi has a role to play in supporting investors wishing to participate in this transition.

As part of its efforts to address this challenge, in July 2021, Amundi joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. This initiative gathers asset managers that are committed to working in partnership with asset owners on de-carbonization by:

  • Transforming their product range and engaging with clients to progressively allocate assets to investment solutions aligned with the net zero objective,
  • Implementing an engagement strategy, including a set of interim targets for 2030, in line with the objective of net zero emissions.

What does Net Zero mean?

Net Zero refers to a global state where the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount removed are equal. It is an equivalent of “carbon neutrality”.

Reaching Net Zero relies on two pillars:

  1. Reducing carbon emissions to their minimum, by favouring energy efficiency, low carbon solutions and energy sobriety.
  2. Developing carbon sinks with the objective of removing further carbon from the atmosphere. These can be natural (forests, soil, oceans) or technological, also known as carbon capture and storage (CSS) solutions.

Why do we need to reach the Net Zero global objective?

In 2015, under the Paris agreement, commitments were made to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, bringing them “close to zero” by 2050. This agreement allowed public and private players to increase their climate engagement.

There is a global consensus that reaching the Net Zero objective by 2050 should avoid the worst consequences of climate change.

What role can investors play?

Why Net Zero for investors?

Global warming and the Net zero transition have far-reaching implications for investors notably as they will need:

  • To consider how the transition will impact economic and financial variables considered in strategic asset allocation
  • To reassess their traditional asset allocation approaches to appreciate the fundamental shifts in the world’s economy caused by climate change and its impact on returns expected across asset classes.
  • To face trade-offs when they will introduce climate considerations into their portfolios (notably between the levels of portfolio diversification and of incorporation of climate targets)
International - Net zero couv investing impact 60-40 allocation

 Read our related paper


How to implement Net Zero targets?

For climate targets to be realized, asset allocation decisions can be implemented through different ways which are non-mutually exclusive:

  • Using a passive climate-aligned benchmark, such as a Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PAB)
  • Investing in Net Zero active cross-asset solutions, which aim to reduce the carbon footprint of portfolios
  • Or using an active cross-asset climate strategy which incorporates specific targets for green investments.

How can Amundi support clients on their Net Zero journey?

At Amundi, we are committed to providing a broad range of investment solutions that support our clients in their Net Zero journey.

Our Green solutions

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Just Transition for climate


Among these solutions, Amundi has built a Just Transition for climate strategy to address social impacts resulting from the transition to low carbon economies. 

Discover our green solutions brochure

28 February, 2022
Green Solutions Brochure

Amundi strongly engaged on environmental finance

  • Co-founding member of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition
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  • Member of the Executive Committee of The Green Bond Principles
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  • Participant to Finance for Tomorrow's Green Finance and Just Transition taskforces
  • Signatory of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
  • Other strategic partnership on green topics include... Climate Action 100+ ; TCFD ; CDP ; Climate Bonds ; IIGCC
  • Strategic partnership with IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. Launch of AP EGO, a targeted green bond fund focusing on emerging markets.
  • The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Amundi have announced a USD500 million portfolio dedicated to Asia Climate bonds.
  • The partnership with the European Investment Bank, centered on the Green Credit Continuum Project, aims to foster the development of the green debt market beyond existing green bonds.
  • Partnership with Caisse des Dépôts to launch the first Indexing solution in Europe fully aligned with the EU PAB label.

Want to know more?

Amundi has been particularly active in terms of climate-related research. In addition to analyses dedicated to environmental and climate issues, 2022 was marked by an increase in the inclusion of climate issues in macroeconomic analyses and quantitative studies.

17 May, 2023
Activity report on climate-related research 2022

Visit the Amundi Institute to discover our must read articles, videos and podcasts dedicated to Net Zero.

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Sustainability-related disclosures

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