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The Global Shake-up

After a turbulent few years, global economies have seen old patterns shatter.
As new dynamics take shape, what actions can investors take now that will have the most impact on the future?

The 2023 Amundi World Investment Forum, which took place in Paris on June 22 and 23 2023, examined the puzzle, tried to filter out the noise and assessed how policymakers, financial services and investors can rise to meet the challenges ahead. 

2023 Amundi World Investment Forum highlights

Where will the pieces fall?

After years of flatlining, inflation is again a preoccupation shared by individuals, politicians, and finance… How can we combat it while addressing climate change and social issues? Can Europe play a leading role while it also deals with fallout from war in Ukraine? Dr. Mario Draghi, former Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the ECB, reflects on past and current crisis and gives his view on where the pieces in the current regime shift may fall.

“We can't abandon the ambitious dream for Europe”

Dr. Mario Draghi
Former Prime Minister of Italy &
former President of the ECB

Another cycle, same story ?

Following a radical reset of the global economic environment, which trends are structural and systemic and which reflect a new economic cycle that may prove very different from the last? Professor Douglas Diamond, recipient of the 2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, explores the role of banks in society, in particular in times of financial crisis, and to what extent the next cycle will differ from the old.

“Financial crisis are everywhere and always about the problems of short-term debt.”

Dr. Douglas Diamond
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2022)

The impact of new world order on western democracies

The war in Ukraine: what are the implications for democracy, geopolitics and diplomacy? What is the role of international investors in financing the reconstruction of Ukraine? Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, discusses how the war has shaped global geopolitics, and democracy itself, as well as some of the long-term consequences for Europe and further afield.

“There will be multiple sources of funding to re-build Ukraine such as foreign governments, Ukrainian funding and worldwide institutional and private investors.”

Dmytro Kuleba
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine


Has the Ukraine crisis ushered in a new era of armed conflict? What implications do politicised cooperation and ultra-fragmented supply chains carry for global trade relationships? Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation, General Jean-Paul Paloméros, and  Professor Helen Thompson discuss the shifting roles and relationships of the major global players.

Europe has experienced a very serious energy shock. It is a very different world in which European countries are now competing for liquid natural gas imports, which are more expensive and more carbon intensive as well.

Dr. Helen Thompson
Professor of Political Economy,
University of Cambridge

The Asian Giants

Two global economic superpowers, two models of growth and government. What does the future hold for China and India, both at home and on the international stage? We examine the growth models of the two countries, their broader ambitions and positioning on the world stage, both in economic and geopolitical terms.

“India is where all the transformation of the world is happening

Amitabh Kant
India's G20 Sherpa

Energy transition: Where are we now?

Transition to Net Zero is critical for all, but progress as well as needs vary widely across developed and emerging markets, with some regions seeing vocal pushback against ESG. Have recent events helped or hindered the transition to a more just and sustainable world? The panelists explore the realities of the energy transition and the role of corporates and investors in driving meaningful change.

It will be difficult for companies to do everything by themselves…Therefore engaging with partners and creating networks is a very, very important topic.

Dr. Thomas Toepfer
Chief Financial Officer, Covestro AG

Fostering equality of opportunity

Repeated shocks and continued uncertainty threaten an already fragile social mobility. How do people in OECD countries perceive their chances to do well in life, and to what extent does access to opportunities differ across the population? Carrie Exton, Deputy Director at the OECD WISE Centre, presents the headline findings from a new OECD study on social mobility and equal opportunity and examines why investors should consider integrating inequality criteria into their investment decisions.

“A common set of metrics would really help galvanise action and improve accountability.”

Carrie Exton
Deputy Director at the OECD WISE Centre

The role of technology in individual savings

Technology, a game changer, or an enabler of ‘financialisation’? Is digital technology transforming politics and society as fast as it seems, and what role will it play for investors? We look at some of the major trends in technology, discuss how new technologies are changing the way we interact and question how far financial institutions should go in digitalising their customer service.

Technologies that deliver on trust and value will be winners

Conan French
Director, Digital Finance, IIF

Discover all the AmundiWIF23 Highlights


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