2024 Amundi World Investment Forum

Adaptation in Motion

Despite ongoing geopolitical tensions, 2024 should see the volatility and uncertainty of recent years yield to adaptation, amid shifting economic currents, an ever-accelerating technological revolution and the continuing urgent need for decarbonisation.

On June 13 & 14, investors gathered in Paris to hear how policymakers, financial services and investors can embrace the adaptations ahead.

2024 Amundi World Investment Forum highlights

28 June, 2024
KEY TAKEAWAYS: Amundi World Investment Forum 2024 Adaptation in Motion

Geopolitics to Centre Stage

Longstanding security alliances and trade partnerships must adjust to a new era of conflict.

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (2019-2023), looks at Europe’s position on the world stage and reflects on politically difficult decisions both past and future.

She also lays out her vision for how being a climate pioneer such as Finland offers a competitive strength in new green technology.


"Finland becoming climate neutral doesn’t save the world. We need all the big players. We need China.
We need US. We need all of Europe. We need every country on board"

Sanna Marin
Prime Minister of Finland (2019-2023)




Meanwhile, Dr Lynn Kuok and Professor Vali Nasr discussed the power realignments taking place on the geopolitical landscape with particular focus on Asia and the Middle-East.


"It used to be that the United States was pivoting away from the Middle East, now the Middle Eastern countries are pivoting away from the United States."

Vali Nasr
Professor of International Affairs and Middle East Studies at the Johns Hopkins University


Transforming Global Perspectives

Gordon Brown, Prime Minster of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2007-2010), considers the major changes being faced by today’s global community.

What do the seismic shifts in power dynamics, trade and globalisation mean for our societies and relations?



"We're now moving towards a multipolar world. It’s strength and not weakness. This is not a rule-based order anymore, it's a power-based order."

Gordon Brown
Prime Minster of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2007-2010)



Mapping Major Economic Shifts

Conflicting currents are driving monetary and fiscal policy. Professor Keyu Jin, Dr Adam Posen and Professor Ricardo Reis discussed how growth, inflation and record public debt are influencing decision-making across Europe, North America and Asia.



"This year and expected for next year and probably the next few years, the three fastest growing economies in the world are all in Asia. "

Keyu Jin
Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics



Our second macroeconomics panel examined the growing economic and international profile of India.

Embracing Change

Maurice Levy, long-standing chair of Publicis Groupe, took a closer look at prevailing trends and patterns within technology and consumption.

What opportunities will these trends bring?



"As always when there is a new innovation, it's a disruption, which is a good for companies because it is the time to rethink your business model"

Maurice Levy
Chairman Emeritus, Publicis Groupe



Technology: Rewriting the Rule Book

The rapid acceleration of artificial intelligence is reshaping our societies. Professor Daron Acemoglu and Dr Aurelie Jean explored some of the key concerns:

How can we make AI fair, transparent, accessible and free from manipulation in order to empower all members of society?


"In tech especially, because of lack of regulation, and the culture of Silicon Valley, a general attitude of break things first and then perhaps we can fix them, has emerged. And that norm has to change."
Daron Acemoğlu
MIT Institute Professor

 "We need regulation on ideas because we need to make sure that we protect the fundamental rights."
Dr. Aurélie Jean
Computational Scientist, entrepreneur and author

Demographic trends tipping the balance

The transformation of the global demographic landscape is reshaping our relationship to work, our conception of ageing and our savings needs.

Professor Mauro Guillen detailed the main trends and laid out how investors can navigate the new environment.




"Before we know it, more than half of the wealth the net worth in the world will be owned by women and that's going to make a big difference"

Mauro Guillén
Professor of Management and Vice Dean at the Wharton School



Discover all the AmundiWIF24 Highlights


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