Fixed Income

Our fixed income teams offer institutional clients a comprehensive range of fixed income investment strategies, from fundamental to rule-based or active to buy & maintain strategies.

Fixed Income strategy at Amundi

Why invest in fixed income strategies?

After years of historically low yields, investors are now accepting additional risks to achieve their desired returns.


As interest rates rise, bonds once again offer income, diversification and may assist in rebalancing risk in portfolios.

Why invest in fixed income strategies?

As interest rates rise, bonds once again offer income, diversification and may assist in rebalancing risk in portfolios.

Navigate the evolving market with a trusted partner

  • Recognised portfolio management team
  • Dedicated investment centres around the world in the US, Europe and Asia
  • We manage a diverse array of fixed income instruments supported by more than 40 experienced1 credit analysts researching developed and emerging markets
  • Sustainable investments at the heart of our investment process
  • Long-standing participant (or investor) in currency management

Extensive experience collaborating with central banks, public entities, and a broad institutional client base worldwide, we deliver tailored solutions that align with your investment objectives.

Our all-in-one platform includes risk management, portfolio management, trading, research powered by ALTO* investment, our strong proprietary high-end back to front tools.

  • Comprehensive risk management framework, which includes an experienced fixed income risk team and sophisticated tools
  • Privileged liquidity access through Amundi Intermediation, our dedicated trading desk 
  • Constant risk and liquidity monitoring at every step

Our fixed income capabilities for institutional investors

We offer a wide a range of pure strategies combined with bespoke solutions to help you meet the challenges of bond markets and take advantage of the best opportunities

€624 bn

fixed income AuM1

+ 200

fixed income experts with complementary skills and expertise1

+40 years

of history in bond investing1

Our range of fixed income strategies

  • Core Bonds: Comprehensive diversification across low-correlated sources and asset classes.
  • Credit: Wide range of strategies spanning the corporate debt spectrum.
  • Foreign Exchange: Solutions to hedge portfolio volatility with active and absolute return approaches, as well as currency overlays.
  • Securitization: Exposure to the real economy and offering lower-duration diversification than traditional fixed income products.
  • Target Maturity Solutions: Offers an income objective for a defined maturity with an annual coupon.
  • Treasury: Balancing immediate liquidity, diversification and risk control.
  • Emerging Markets: Integrates macro-economic, credit and equity research into one investment philosophy and approach.
  • Passive solutions: Our comprehensive and diverse range of ETFs provides simple and cost-effective solutions.

Our range of fixed income strategies

We provide a range of fixed income strategies

Our bespoke fixed income solutions

The inclusion of ESG criteria and new climate-aware guidelines has become a critical part of institutional investors fixed income portfolios.

Amundi has been pioneering responsible bond investment strategies since 1990.

  • Executive Committee member of GBP (Green Bond Principles' ICMA) since 2017
  • ESG Investing Awards 2022: Best ESG Investment Specialist Fixed income and Amundi Just Transition for Climate named ESG Investment Fund of the Year 2022.
  • Sustainable Investment Awards 2021 & 2022: Fixed Income Manager of the Year
  • European Securitization Awards 2022 & 2023: Best ESG Investor of the Year.

Our bespoke fixed income solutions: Sustainable fixed income solutions

Our bespoke fixed income solutions: Insurance and pension funds solutions

We offer various liability-driven solutions, including cash-flow matching solutions to meet the complex and evolving constraints faced by pension funds and insurance companies.

  • Fundamentally driven approach with active management.
  • In-house proprietary tools for portfolio and risk management.
  • Dedicated investment team for insurers and pension funds.
  • Comprehensive fixed income assets including sovereign debt, high yield, and asset-backed securities.

Banking institutions face challenges in managing portfolios, including regulatory, liquidity, and capital requirements. We provide expertise and solutions to help banks and financial institutions navigate the complex market and regulatory environment.

  • Innovative tailored fixed income solutions
  • Cash flow and liquidity management
  • Bespoke fixed income investments
  • Optimization of regulatory liquidity and capital ratios, such as Liquidity Coverage (LCR), Net Stable Funding (NSFR), risk weighted asset (RWA), and leverage ratios

Our team of fixed income experts offers a unique set of skills in structuring, trading, and banking regulations to deliver the best outcomes.

Our bespoke fixed income solutions: Banks and financial institutions solutions

1. Amundi Asset Management, as of September 30, 2023

This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 Many 2014 on Markets in Financial Instruments (as amended) (MIFID II). It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act.

This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”).
Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. Past performance does not predict future results. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested.
There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a strategy’s performance. The decision of investors to invest in the promoted strategies should take into account all characteristics of objectives of the strategies.
All investors should seek professional advice prior to any investment decision, in order to determine the risks associated with the investment and its suitability.

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This information is provided to you based on sources that Amundi considers to be reliable at the date of publication, and it may be modified at any time without prior notice.