Latest Market Insights

Our key convictions are explored through three different document types:

• Monthly Market Views
• Weekly Market Directions
• Global Investment View Infographic.

Financial analyst analyzing market insights

Monthly Market Views: July 2024

2024_07 - Monthly Market Views-EN

Monthly Market Views: July 2024

Commentary by Monica Defend

4 themes driving markets:
  • Multi-speed global economic growth

  • Inflation likely to slow down

  • Mildly asynchronous central banks

  • Domestic politics and international geopolitics

Weekly Market Directions: July 15-19th, 2024

Signs of rotation emerge in equities 

Key takeaways:
  • Mega-cap companies in the US have had a strong performance this year, further increasing market concentration.

  • Now, we are witnessing a broadening of the rally towards the equally weighted markets and smaller companies.

  • ECB kept rates unchanged in Europe. More rate cuts expected later, potentially benefiting small caps.

Weekly Market Directions: July 15-19th, 2024

Weekly Market Directions - Week 15th- 19th July 2024

Global Investment Views: July 2024

Global Investment views

Global Investment Views: July 2024

Inflation trends, central banks and geopolitics to drive markets

4 trends identified for the month ahead:
  • Multi speed economic growth

  • US disinflation continues

  • Asynchronous central banks

  • The importance of geopolitics

Cross Asset Investment Strategy: May 2024

IMF spring meeting takeaways: short term resilience, but no reacceleration in the mid term

Find the latest edition of our monthly publication. The focus is on the IMF meeting: short-term resilience, but no reacceleration in the mid term.

Cross Asset Investment Strategy: May 2024

Cross Asset Investment

Investment Talks: July 2024

Investment talks

Investment Talks: July 2024

UK election delivers no-drama outcome


Britain’s Labour Party returned to power for the first time in 14 years after winning a large majority in parliamentary elections.

Amundi Investment Institute

The Amundi Investment Institute platform combines an explanation of what’s going on in the economy and markets with implications for investors. They produce a range of regular and ad-hoc publications tailored to a wide range of readers.