Your trusted partner working every day in your interest and for society
Our priority is to work with you each day to build investment solutions adapted to your needs and the market environment. We also empower you to enhance your investment decisions through innovative financial services and technology solutions across the entire savings value chain.
Our strengths in a nutshell
- N°1 European player in the global top 101
- Around €2 trillion of assets under management2
- More than 100 million retail clients through 1,000 wealth partners
- 1,500 institutional and corporate clients
- 5,500 employees
- The market largest capitalisation for the sector in Europe4
- More than 60,000 users of our technology platforms
- In the top 3 worldwide for its voting on environmental and social issues3
in France
a premier international player in Germany6
in the top 3 in Italy4 and Austria5

Our major steps of development
Our clients
To better understand your needs and provide you with the investment solutions that best suit your requirements and risk profiles, specialist teams are at your disposal:
Individuals investors:
We provide you with savings solutions tailored to your lifestyle, risk profile and needs, through your usual advisors: retail banks, private banks, asset managers, independent financial advisors, insurers, online banks and digital platforms.
Savings and wealth managers:
We support and provide you with the best financial services and innovative technology solutions to meet your needs across the entire savings value chain: asset managers, banks and private banks, investors.
Institutional investors:
We provide you with customised investment solutions taking into account your specific needs: pension funds, insurers, sovereign wealth funds, central banks or corporations.

A range of expertise dedicated to servicing the savings value chain
Multidimensional research to understand the economic and financial environment and appreciate societal and environmental challenges:
Amundi Investment Institute
Financial analysis
Non-financial analysis
A comprehensive range of investment and savings solutions built from all asset classes and in all investment styles:
Active management of listed assets
ETF & indexing
Real and alternative assets
Structured solutions
Advisory and technology services across the entire savings value chain:
Amundi Technology
Fund Channel
Leading the way in responsible finance
We lead the way through our responsible investment solutions, our continued dialogue with companies to encourage them to accelerate their transition, and through our own governance.
Discover our new video corporate
1. Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2023, based on assets under management as at 31/12/2022
2. Amundi data as at 31/03/2024
3 SIX Financial Information, open-ended French funds, March 2024.
3. In the “Voting Matters 2023” report by the British association ShareAction
4. Among traditional asset managers. Source: Refinitiv, December 2023
5. Amundi Leading Technologies & Operations
6. Source: SIX Financial Information, open-ended French funds, March 2024
7. Source: Assogestioni, February 2024 (Amundi #2 for open funds)
8. Source: VÖIG, February 2024
9.Source: BVI, December 2022
Wichtige Hinweise
Sofern nicht anders angegeben, stammen die in dieser Seite enthaltenen Informationen von Amundi Asset Management S.A.S. mit Stand Juni 2024 Diese Ansichten sollten nicht als Anlageberatung, Wertpapierempfehlung oder als Hinweis auf den Handel mit einem Amundi-Produkt angesehen werden. Dieses Material stellt weder ein Angebot noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren, Fondsanteilen oder Dienstleistungen dar. Eine Anlage ist mit Risiken verbunden, darunter Markt-, politische, Liquiditäts- und Währungsrisiken. Es gibt keine Garantie dafür, dass ESG-Überlegungen die Anlagestrategie oder die Wertentwicklung eines Fonds verbessern. Die Basisinformationsblätter (BIB) und die Prospekte (inklusive vorvertraglicher Informationen / PCD) bzw. Informationen für Anleger gemäß § 21 AIFMG (inklusive vorvertraglicher Informationen / PCD) der von Amundi in Österreich öffentlich angebotenen Investmentfonds stehen Interessenten in deutscher bzw. englischer Sprache, in der jeweils gültigen Fassung, unter www.amundi.at zur Verfügung.
Datum der ersten Verwendung: 1. Juli 2024