It's all about confidence: assessing risks worth taking

In the aftermath of last year's global inflation surge and the subsequent tightening of monetary policies, the economic outlook now looks increasingly fragmented.
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Momentum for Quality Accelerates

We believe investors should seek to continue to add resilience to portfolios by incorporating high-quality assets that can help diversify away from the top of the market.
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Bonds take center stage

For most of the last year, savers have been earning a reasonable return in cash. But how long can these compelling cash rates last?
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Amundi US Ranked #7 (10-year), #4 (5-year), and #24 (1-year) for overall performance

by Barron's list of Best Fund Families calendar year 2023.  Out of 46 (10-year), 47 (5-year), and 49 (1-year) fund families.  Based on asset-weighted total return.  For more information about the Barron's list, including methodology, visit our dedicated webpage.
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Dynamic Markets, Agile Thinking

Market shifts suggest an agile approach with emphasis on value, quality and growth across asset classes.

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Latest Research and Insights

08/05/2024 Investment Talks

US economy worries pummel markets

Global stocks fell sharply at the start of the week, with Japan’s benchmark Topix index on Aug. 5 suffering its biggest one-day drop in more than three decades. European shares and U.S. stock futures also declined. Meanwhile Emerging Markets stock indices, mostly in Asia (Taiwan and South Korea), fell into the red and currencies that had benefited from high carry trades funded by the yen, such as those in Latin America, lost ground.

August GIV
08/01/2024 Global Investment Views, Equity, Fixed income

Rotation and broadening in equities has started

US mega caps significantly outperformed the rest of the US markets in the first half of the year, driven by better-than-expected economic activity, exuberance over artificial intelligence and superior earnings. Looking ahead, we see a potential for a rally broadening, which will not be linear and is likely to have multiple legs. Some early signs of this rotation materialized recently after the July consumer price index report raised the chances of a Fed rate cut in September, while most recently fears on restrictions on the chip industry further supported this trend. This opens up opportunities into areas and segments (small caps, Europe, Japan) that have been left behind.

07/17/2024 Research / Market

Will productivity turn global growth around?

Global growth has been on a secular decline since around 2000, with a more pronounced decline following the Global Financial Crisis. To explain this, economists typically cite the sizeable and broad-based slowdown in Total Factor Productivity Growth, which measures how efficiently labor and capital inputs are used to produce output. Looking back over longer periods, there were strong advances in productivity after WW2 in the advanced economies in the 1970s to the 90s, but since around 2000, there has been a broad-based slowdown. If these trends continue, global growth over the next decade will likely be sub-3%, compared to just under 4% in the two decades before the pandemic, even before considering recent adverse developments such as global economic fragmentation, increasing security concerns and the transition to net zero. In this paper, we analyze the contributing factors and economic risks.

Products and Investment Ideas

Dynamic Markets Agile Thinking

We anticipate fundamental market shifts in 2024 resulting from global dynamics and geopolitical events, and continue our agile emphasis on value, quality and growth across asset classes.

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Global Opportunities Shift

Look beyond near horizons to pockets of resilience and change in a transitioning economy.

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Bonds Take Center Stage

Rate cuts in 2024 may be the catalyst for reducing portfolio risk by moving allocations to longer-term, higher-quality bonds.

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Momentum for Quality Accelerates

Consider shifting equity holdings away from concentration risk by infusing quality across cyclicals, defensives and industries primed for the next-stage economy.

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Consider Low- or Uncorrelated Allocations

Market volatility is an expected undercurrent in 2024, and alternatives to traditional assets may offset the potential downside.

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Responsible Investing

At Amundi US, responsible investing is part of our heritage.

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