Seeking income in excess of money market funds

We believe that a value-oriented, total return, risk-managed approach to fixed income investing should produce competitive long-term performance. We integrate top-down views and risk management with a bottom-up valuation process.

 We believe in high quality, multi-sector approach that invests in three distinct, diversified pools of risk.

Notation - July 2024
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Why Now?

  • With a duration target of 0.25 years, the portfolio is well-positioned for the uncertainty around interest rates.
  • The portfolio's investments are focused on the short and ultra-short end of the yield curve, where interest income is high and mark-to market volatility is usually lower.

Why this Fund?

  • Three separate risk pools – liquidity layer, intermediate risk layer, core risk layer
  • Diversifies* across many different U.S. Dollar fixed income asset classes, sectors, credit ratings, and security structures
  • High-quality Portfolio focused on senior securities within each asset class and structure Why Amundi − Seasoned investment team − Value-driven process focused on diversified asset allocation and security selection − Core competency in both corporate and mortgage credit spreads

*Prior to 17 June 2019, Amundi Funds II – Pioneer U.S. Dollar Short-term. Source: Amundi Asset Management as at 31 December 2019 1PLEASE NOTE: The Internal Guidelines referenced do not necessarily represent prospectus/statutory limitations. These internal guidelines are used as guidance in the daily management of the Portfolio’s investments. These guidelines are subject to change and should not be relied upon as a long term view of the Portfolio’s exposures, limitations, and/or risks.
²Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss.
3A USD share versus Morningstar category EEA OE USD Diversified Bond – Short Term universe average over 3 and 5 year time periods

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