Our Amundi US Agency MBS Short Duration Strategy is a true short duration strategy as it actively seeks to reduce interest rate risk.  The goal of the Strategy is to capture the excess spread that agency mortgage-backed securities offer relative to Treasury and swap rates target competitive results by holding mostly agency mortgage-backed securities with small allocations to commercial mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities. 





We believe the Strategy's focus on agency mortgage-backed securities and AAA-rated securitized credit make it suitable for institutional investors seeking high credit quality and short-term liquidity.

*Effective April 1, 2022, the benchmark for the Amundi US Agency MBS Short Duration Strategy changed from the ICE BofA USD 1-Month LIBOR Index to the ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index. 

Tyler Patla

Senior Vice President
Director of Agency Mortgages
Portfolio Manager


Rob Aufdenspring, CFA

Senior Vice President
Portfolio Manager


Steve Bernhardt

Vice President
Portfolio Manager



  • Targets consistent results while seeking high credit quality, low interest rate risk and liquidity
  • Consists of mostly agency mortgage-backed securities with allocations to AAA commercial mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities
  • Expected average credit quality of AAA
  • Positions are hedged to short duration with a goal of capturing the excess spread that agency mortgage-backed securities offer relative to Treasury and swap rates
  • Seeks to achieve excess returns derived primarily from active security selection and sector allocation

Why Amundi US?

A strong investment culture focused on sound, fundamental research drives the management of the Amundi US Agency MBS Short Duration Strategy. Key features of the Strategy include:

  • The Strategy is a true short duration strategy as it seeks to reduce interest rate risk.
  • The focus on agency mortgage-backed securities and AAA-rated securitized credit is appropriate for institutional investors seeking high credit quality and short-term liquidity.
  • Strategy has been managed since 1992 (over 25 years).