US election debate generates more political than policy buzz
US election debate generates more political than policy buzz
Wednesday 11 September 2024
Investment Talks
US election debate generates more political than policy buzz
September 2024 | The first debate between US presidential candidates Trump and Harris was a fractious exchange that shed little new light on policy details. Democratic candidate Kamala Harris was deemed to have performed better than her Republican rival Donald Trump, according to snap polls conducted after the debate. This implies that Harris will likely see an extension of the honeymoon period that has dominated since her nomination. While the US election debate was relatively disciplined and covered all the major domestic and foreign policy issues, it was light on the two candidates' policy agendas as both stuck to high-level answers with little in the way of specific measures or details of how they would accomplish their objectives.
01 | The first, and potentially only, debate between US Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Republican rival, Donald Trump, was held on September 10 and was light on policy details.
02 | Harris outlined her social spending priorities, while Trump highlighted his plan to deport millions of undocumented migrants and to hike trade tariffs.
03 | Neither faced detailed challenges on the fiscal and economic consequences of some of their key proposals.
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