International - ESG - Responsible Investement offering - header

Responsible investment offering

Amundi offers to all client segments a wide range of open-ended funds and tailor-made Responsible Investment solutions that incorporate ESG factors into investment decisions.

Innovation to answer client's needs

How to capture the potential premium of companies on an improving ESG trajectory?

How to capture the potential premium of companies on an improving ESG trajectory?


The “ESG Improvers” is a new philosophy aiming to deliver additional Alpha by employing a dynamic approach to ESG with a forward looking perspective, seeking tomorrow’s ESG winners.


Today, Amundi offers one of the first solutions available on the market favoring this new ESG approach across a wide range of asset classes.

Amundi has built a unique solution for an inclusive transition in line with the Paris Agreement.

Amundi has built a unique solution for an inclusive transition in line with the Paris Agreement.


This strategy supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy monitors a full range of climate-related risks…

  • Physical and transition risks
  • Carbon footprints
  • Temperature alignment

…ensuring that the portfolio is aligned with a transition to a 2 degree world, and working towards 1.5 degrees.

How to finance the recovery post-Covid -19 crisis and long-term inclusive growth ?

How to finance the recovery post-Covid -19 crisis and long-term inclusive growth ?


In line with our commitment to supporting new sustainable fixed income markets, Amundi has developed its first Social Bond Strategy, which aims at directing investments towards projects addressing social issues or targeting positive social outcomes by investing in social bonds. 


Through this strategy, Amundi and its investors will support the expansion of the nascent social bond market, which has experienced a very strong uptick during the Covid-19 crisis and has proven its financing capabilities for both the recovery and inclusive growth in the long term.

Through the launch of the corporate focused EM Green Bonds strategy, Amundi has been establishing its leadership in this asset class and confirming its commitment to support sustainable fixed income markets.

Through the launch of the corporate focused EM Green Bonds strategy, Amundi has been establishing its leadership in this asset class and confirming its commitment to support sustainable fixed income markets.


As one of the first solutions available, this strategy provides funding to potentially create positive impact towards the transition to a low-carbon environment in Emerging countries.


Combined benefits of impact investing, attractive yield potential and limited duration risk offer unique investment opportunities to investors on EM green bonds markets.

28 February, 2022
Responsible Investment Solutions Brochure
15 March, 2022
ESG Improvers Brochure

Responsible offering and capabilities

Amundi Responsible Investment offering alonside the value chain.


International - Responsible Offering - value chain


Guiding investors in navigating ESG

Whether it be to generate a positive impact, to align your portfolio with ESG or climate target objectives, or anticipate material ESG-related risks, our team of ESG experts is committed to supporting investors in meeting their ESG objectives while respecting their specific constraints.

International - Responsible Offering - Modular ESG Advisory


Amundi investment teams have developed specific expertises to assist our clients in achieving their specific ESG investment objectives by offering a wide range of ESG investment solutions span across asset classes and regions, from broad ESG Integration to specific themes.


International - Responsible offering-wide range of esg investment solutions


Long-Standing player in ESG integration

Amundi, a pioneer in Responsible Investment (RI), has continuously strengthened its ambition to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria through its investment strategies and to reinforce its engagement process to support issuers in making progress.

Since the announcement of its ambitious action plan in 2018, Amundi has established an unprecedented level of ESG integration throughout the organisation. To this end, Amundi has committed to integrating ESG criteria across the entire portfolio management value chain, notably through:

  • The systematic integration of ESG criteria within the active investment & portfolio construction process.
  • The strengthening of dialogue with corporates on ESG topics through a pro-active engagement policy.
  • A voting policy emphasizing Environmental and Social dimensions as top priorities.

This integration is done through :

As part of our “ESG Mainstreaming” approach, all our open-ended funds include:

As part of our “ESG Mainstreaming” approach, all our open-ended funds include:


  • An environmental, social and governance assessment of the companies in which they invest,
  • The most highly rated companies are favoured, while the lowest-rated companies remain under-weighted, or even excluded,
  • With the objective to have a portfolio ESG rating above that of the benchmark or the investment universe.
Selecting the issuers with the best ESG practices within each sector:

Selecting the issuers with the best ESG practices within each sector:

  • Exclusion of issuers rated E, F, G*
  • Average ESG rating of the portfolio ≥ ESG rating of the benchmark/investment universe
  • Average ESG rating of the portfolio ≥ C
  • Minimum 90% of issuers in the portfolio rated in terms of ESG
Detecting and investing in companies with ESG momentum, which benefit from:

Detecting and investing in companies with ESG momentum, which benefit from:

  • A solid fundamental investment case and
  • An improving ESG profile.


The investment teams aim to:

  • Deliver additional alpha by employing a dynamic approach to ESG with a forward looking perspective.
Investment solutions :

Investment solutions :

  • Implementing a complementary risk-based ESG approach.
  • Seeking to enhance value creation potential through the selection of appropriate criteria combinations.
Passive ESG solutions, including:

Passive ESG solutions, including:

  • A large range of ETF & index funds
  • Covering theme in geographies & asset classes based on various index methodologies allowing investors to choose among various degrees of sustainability profiles.
Responsible investing passive solutions

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to responsible investing and as a solutions provider, we are committed to developing simple and ready to-use tools to help investors easily implement their ESG strategy depending on their objectives, constraints and the level of ESG focus they wish to implement in their portfolios.

In addition, the expertise of our index team and our proprietary index management tools allow us to develop fully bespoke solutions for our clients aimed at deploying their individual ESG policies.

An expanded range to address investor's various sustainability objectives

International - ESG Responsible offering-RI passive solutions


International - ESG Responsible offering-RI passive solutions 2


To complete our large range of advisory services and investment solutions, we provide our clients with ESG services that can reinforce their commitment to a more sustainable future. To do so, we offer three types of services:

  • Engagement and voting: At Amundi, we have defined an engagement and voting policy that we apply to our assets under management. We believe our role is to engage with issuers to allow for constant improvement and awareness of ESG-related topics through dialogue or voting at general assemblies.
  • Reporting: As clients need to monitor their financial and ESG guidelines and report the results of their investments, we offer different types of reporting according to the client’s underlying strategy and ESG policy.
  • ESG Training & Knowledge Transfer: ESG investing is evolving at a fast pace and Amundi is committed to disseminating best practices, research and thought-leadership through content sharing, high level conferences and training programs.

Standard ESG services are included with Responsible Investment portfolio management when relevant.




& Voting


Reporting tailored

to client's ESG objectives

ESG Training

and Knowledge Transfer


Amundi, recognised for its ESG expertise

International - ESG - PRI logo

Amundi rated A+ in 2020 for the sixth consecutive year for its responsible investment approach*

International - ESG expertise - Bonds awards 2020

Environmental Finance Green Bond fund of the Year in 2020, GRECO**

Environmental Finance Personality of the Year 2021, Isabelle Vic-Philippe

International - ESG expertise - Winner ESG Investing - Awards 2021

Best ESG Investment Fund - Emerging Markets Debt in 2021 for AF emerging Market Green Bonds

Best ESG Investment Fund - Climate / Green Bonds in 2021, for AIIB Climate Bond Portfolio

Best ESG ETF Provider in 2021

International - ESG expertise - Winner ESG Investing - Awards 2021

ESG Investment Fund of the year for Just Transition

Best ESG Investment Fund: Specialist Fixed Income

International - ESG expertise - Sustainable Investment Awards 2021

Fixed Income Manager of the Year in 2021

International - ESG expertise - Asian Investor - Awards 2021

Best ESG Strategy Adviser in 2021

International - Fixed Income - Bond Awards 2023 - 150px

Fixed Income Manager of the Year

International - ESG - Awards ESG Investors 2023 in European Securisation

 ESG Investors 2023 in European Securitization

In the same section

International - ESG - Header
Responsible investment: Amundi’s core commitment
International - ESG - Environment - header
Race to Net Zero
International - ESG - Social Initiatives - header
Social Initiatives
International - ESG - Engagement - Header
Engagement for all investors
International - ESG - Documentation - header
Sustainability-related disclosures
1. Source: Amundi, data at 30/09/2023
2. International Finance Corporation
3. European Investment Bank & Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
*Our ratings range from A to G, A being the highest rating and G the lowest.
**Source: GRECO: The Green Credit Continuum program

This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning of the MiFID Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004, and articles 314-4 and following of the General Regulations of the AMF. It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act.

This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”).

Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. In addition, past performance is not in any way a guarantee or a reliable indicator of current or future performance. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested.

There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a fund’s investment strategy or performance.

Potential investors are encouraged to consult a professional adviser in order to determine whether such an investment is suitable for their profile and must not base their investment decisions solely on the information contained in this document.

Amundi assumes no liability, either direct or indirect, resulting from the use of any of the information contained in this document, and shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any decisions taken on the basis of this information.

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