20/09/2018 Equity
European Equity: Combining value and quality in this new market phase We believe we have entered a mature stage of the financial cycle amid central bank monetary policy normalisation (more advanced in the US) and decelerating economic growth globally.
09/05/2018 Fixed Income
Cross road: the landscape of the fixed-income market Two events pushed down Eurozone sovereign spreads in 2017: the French presidential election in April & May, which dissipated investors’ fears about Eurosceptic movements, and the announcement on 26 October of a smaller-than-expected reduction in ECB’s QE for 2018 (monthly purchases lowered from € 60 bn to €30bn).
2018-05-insight paper
09/05/2018 Fixed Income
Rethinking fixed income investing when the easy money is coming to an end Core fixed income allocation, usually comprising high-quality government and corporate bonds, has played a relevant role in diversified portfolios over the last few decades.
16/03/2018 ESG
Shareholder Activism: Why Should Investors Care? Institutional investors have large and diversified portfolios with substantial company ownership and strong incentives to monitor and influence the firm’s business. Active ownership is becoming a key component of their investment process.
02/02/2018 Fixed Income
US credit: don't worry about the macro, focus on technicals What should we expect for US credit in 2018, in a context where spreads and volatility are closing in on cycle lows? We are already in the late phase of the cycle.
12/12/2017 Fixed Income
Credit Continuum: How to make it happen We have been living for the past few years under an unprecedented regime of unconventional monetary policies. Abundant liquidity poured into developed economies has had a number of consequences on financial markets: very low and sometimes negative interest rates, inflation of asset prices under the pressure of investors starving for returns.
18/12/2015 Investment Outlook
Hybrid Pensions Schemes with Risk-Sharing: Are They the Future of Occupational Pensions? The sustainability of occupational pension systems is under threat in many countries. Setbacks include a structural increase in liabilities due to longer life expectancy, the harmful effects of financial crises on investment returns, unusually low interest rates that prompt a search for yield from riskier or less liquid investments, and stricter pension regulation.

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