10/06/2021 ESG
Stakeholders in the Just Transition - N°2 Consumers The objective of a “just transition” was included in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. It aims to make the transition to low-carbon economies fair to all stakeholders: workers, consumers, local communities, and society at large.
Shifts & Narratives #6 - Technology trends in Asset Management and Saving Industry
09/06/2021 Shifts & Narratives Retirement
Shifts & Narratives #6 - Technology trends in Asset Management and Saving Industry These are days to be optimistic if you are an Asset Manager. And this is not just because the industry has been doing well and the fundamentals remain strong going forward. The future looks bright because the same technological forces that are being so disruptive, present an equal number of opportunities for those who are prepared to embrace change.
Shifts & Narratives #5 - Regime shifts
08/06/2021 Shifts & Narratives
Shifts & Narratives #5 - A unique crisis that opens the way to multiple regime shifts The Covid-19 crisis is exceptional in many ways. It is the most serious health crisis since the Spanish flu a century ago. This crisis resulted in an unprecedented contraction of activity in 2020 and in the deepest global recession since World War II. However, this recession has been the shortest and was not accompanied by a financial crisis thanks to fiscal and monetary policy responses, which have cushioned the economic shock. The exceptional measures put in place aim to buy the time needed to emerge from the health crisis.
07/06/2021 Asset Allocation
Robo-Advising for Small Investors: Evidence from Employee Savings Plans We study the introduction of robo-advising on a large representative sample of Employees Saving Plans. The robo-advisor proposes a portfolio allocation and alerts investors if their allocation gets too far from the target, while investors remain free to follow or ignore the advices.
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07/06/2021 Insurers Investment Outlook
Insurers’ portfolios: re-load the income engine, go beyond the traditional investment universe US long-term yields have risen in recent months on expectations of strong economic growth fueled by fiscal stimulus. Eurozone long-term government yields have followed this movement in a limited way, as Eurozone economies have been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. The pandemic has increased economic fragmentation across European countries, putting pressure on the ECB to pursue its highly accommodative policy.
03/06/2021 ESG
Measuring and Pricing Cyclone-Related Physical Risk under Changing Climate We propose a statistical methodology to quantify the financial implications of tropical cyclone-related physical risks implied by climate change.
International - News - Access to cloud, innovation and open-source with Alto
Access to cloud, innovation and open-source with ALTO* The environment financial firms are evolving in is constantly changing and it forces companies to look for efficient, scalable and secured infrastructures while adapting quickly to new technologies through the integration of AI or Machine Learning in IT systems.
26/05/2021 Shifts & Narratives Geopolitics
Shifts & Narratives #4 - In search of a new international order Profound changes in the international arena are underway. Together the EU, China and the United States are the three largest economies in the world. Whereas, previously,
economic and geopolitical issues were treated separately, it is increasingly clear that the United States and China are using their economic power for geopolitical purposes. Such geopolitical leadership has economic implications.
25/05/2021 ESG
Stakeholders in the Just Transition - N°1 Integrating workers into Investment and Financing Framework The notion of “Just Transition” stems from the belief that a transition to a cleaner, more sustainable economy must be conducted in a way that is fair to all stakeholders: workers, consumers, local communities and society at large. In this light, providing decent and quality jobs to workers all along companies’ supply chains will be absolutely critical if we are to successfully embark on a Just Transition. In this regard, the private sector, and more specifically the financial industry, also has a fundamental role to play to ensure that a Just Transition takes place across sectors and industries.

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