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09/11/2021 Asset Allocation
Asset Class Return Forecasts - Q4 2021 As we enter the tail end of the Covid-19 recovery boost, authorities in developed markets are seeking to implement fiscal packages of varying degrees to control the eventual economic cool down.
2021.11- Fed tapering begins: mission accomplished
08/11/2021 Fixed Income
Fed tapering begins: mission accomplished The Fed preserved optionality to adjust the pace of purchases based on the economy and inflation outlook.
Research Center - The triangle of financial repression
02/11/2021 Investment Outlook Central Banks
The triangle of financial repression The idea that we are entering a phase of financial repression regularly returns to the fore as real interest rates are negative and nominal interest rates are very low.
Research Center - Can stablecoins bring major disruption to the financial system?
02/11/2021 Investment Outlook
Can stablecoins bring major disruption to the financial system? More directly than other types of cryptocurrencies, the rapidly growing stablecoins may soon bring new opportunities and risks to payments and finance.
Research Center - Q3 2021: From a recovery phase to an inflationary late cycle
02/11/2021 Investment Outlook
Q3 2021: From a recovery phase to an inflationary late cycle A second derivative stagflationary environment of decelerating growth amid sustained inflationary pressures. The fiscal lever continues to play a pivotal role.
Research Center - 2022 EGB supply vs ECB QE
02/11/2021 Investment Outlook Fixed Income
2022 EGB supply vs ECB QE We expect a further slowing of growth in Eurozone public debt in 2022, mirroring the 2021 trend vs. 2020 which saw a peak in net issuance, while EU bond supply is likely to remain close to the 2021 level.
29/10/2021 Investment Outlook
Cross Asset Investment Strategy - November 2021 Find the latest edition of our Research team's monthly publication.
27/10/2021 Investment Outlook Economy & Markets
Global Investment Views - November 2021 Like it or not, the alignment of the planets regarding inflation will last for a while.
25/10/2021 Emerging Markets Equity
Evergrande and its spill-over effects: ongoing adjustments, but inflection point may be close Evergrande crisis: Despite Evergrande paid the coupon due on September 23, just one day before the 30-day grace period deadline, the company's crisis is still unresolved.

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