news - Embracing Diversification with MMFs
Embracing Diversification with Money market funds Money market funds (MMFs) are a vital element of a treasurer’s short-term investment toolkit. The security, liquidity, and yield offered by MMFs enable treasurers to look beyond bank deposits, while ESG MMFs can help support broader sustainability goals.
International - Investor Profiles - Corporate
Primary Market Views € - May 2024 Spreads have tightened in recent weeks after widening from mid-March to mid-April.
International - Investor Profiles - Corporate
Primary Market Views € - June 2024 The Euro IG OAS spread has widened slightly in recent days to 109 bp after reaching a low of
106 bp.
International - News - Central Banking's 2024
2024 Central Banking Awards Recipient Amundi has been awarded Central Banking's 2024 Asset Manager Award, notably following its selection by the Central Bank of Colombia to manage a large global fixed income mandate.
Corporate - News - Results 2024 Q1 – Square
Q1 2024 Results A first quarter of 2024 marked by all-time high assets under management and two operations of external growth
International - Investor Profiles - Corporate
Primary Market Views € - April 2024 In March, corporate spreads continued to tighten. Indeed, the picture remains very positive for
risky assets and corporate debt securities: resilient economic growth and anticipation of a rate cut.
International - Investor Profiles - Corporate
Primary Market Views € - march 2024 Economic activity in the euro zone remains weak but showed signs of recovery last month in the services sector.
International - Investor Profiles - Corporate
Primary Market Views € - february 2024 At the start of the year, the euro primary market is recording historically high activity, after a rather calm month of December.
Corporate - News - Results 2023 Q4 - Square
2023 Annual and 4th Quarter results Amundi recorded a high asset inflow of €26 billion and its net profit rose by almost 4%

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