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ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta

Amundi ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta is one of Amundi’s strategic business areas and is a key growth driver for the Group. 

Amundi ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta business line provides investors - whether institutionals or distributors - with robust, innovative, and cost-efficient solutions, leveraging Amundi Group’s scale and large resources.

A leading partner in Indexing & Smart Beta solutions

With over 30 years of benchmark construction and replication expertise, Amundi is a trusted name in ETF & Index management among the world’s largest institutions. The team is also recognized for its ability to develop Smart Beta & Factor Investing solutions, with more than 10-year track-record.
The platform offers one of the largest responsible ETF ranges with an extensive selection of ESG and Climate products. It also offers the flexibility to offer investors bespoke solutions to meet specific needs. 
Picto - AuM
€340bn Assets under management¹
Picto - Years experience
30 years of Indexing expertise¹
Picto - Years launch
+10 years Smart Beta track record¹

Being part of Amundi enables us to offer ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta innovative and cost-competitive solutions to investors of all stripes, widely recognized all over the world. Partnering with investors is at the core of our development: this continuous dialogue implies taking into consideration their needs, objectives and constraints (risk budget, ESG filters, low carbon, etc) to help them navigate all market conditions.

Fannie Wurtz
Head of Distribution & Wealth Division, Passive & Alternative business lines, Amundi

Amundi ETF – competitive and innovative

As a leading European ETF provider, Amundi's broad range of products stands out particularly for its competitive pricing and product innovation underpinned by our approach of listening closely to our clients to understand their precise needs.

Our range of products encompasses over 300 ETFs providing choice for investors across asset classes, geographies, sectors and themes.

We are committed to responsible investing. It is a founding pillar of Amundi, and ESG is at the core of our ETF, indexing and smart beta offering.

A useful tool in an investor’s portfolio

The global ETF market has grown considerably over the last decade. ETFs, also known as ‘trackers’, aim to replicate as closely as possible the performance of their benchmark index, whether it rises or falls. They combine the advantages of index funds (compliant with European UCITS IV regulations) with those of equities (easy to buy and sell).

Leading European ETF provider

Picto - AuM
>€207 bn Assets under management²
Picto - Rating
#1 European ETF provider based on assets under management (ETFGI)³
Picto - Products
300+ Products¹

One of the most compelling ETF ranges available – with ESG at the core

We are the largest European ETF provider, with more than €192 billion2 in assets under management. But we’re aiming far higher – both for you and for ourselves.

We are the largest European ETF provider, with more than €192 billion2 in assets under management. But we’re aiming far higher – both for you and for ourselves.

We’re setting out to build the European ETF champion you deserve and raise the bar for our entire industry.

We currently offer over 300 products1, all complying with European UCITS standards. Our comprehensive and cost-efficient range of ETFs comprises some of the most compelling strategies in ESG, Thematics, Emerging markets and Fixed income.


Our vision for ETF investing is based on authenticity, creativity and deep relationships.

Our vision for ETF investing is based on authenticity, creativity and deep relationships.

  • Partnership: As proactive problem solvers, we’ll take the time to listen to, and work with, you to solve today’s investment challenges.
  • Innovation: As relentless innovators, our mission is to anticipate key investment trends and keep you one step ahead.
  • Responsible: As one of the most responsible of investors*, it’s our duty to drive the industry forward and demonstrate just what responsible investing really means.


*Amundi is one of the world leaders in responsible investing with more than 40% of total AUM in responsible investments (as at 31/12/2022).
Amundi ETFs are listed on major stock exchanges including: Euronext Paris, Xetra, London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, SIX, Euronext Amsterdam, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.

Amundi ETFs are listed on major stock exchanges including: Euronext Paris, Xetra, London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, SIX, Euronext Amsterdam, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.

With offices in over 35 countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas, our local experts are on hand to work with you to find solutions to your unique investment challenges.

We continue to export our UCITS ETF expertise and range all over the world, with listings in Mexico for instance since 2018.

ETFs are remarkable tools which can empower even more investors to invest even more meaningfully, all over the world. All it will take is the right kind of provider. Our mission is to be that provider.

Fannie Wurtz
Head of Distribution & Wealth Division, Passive & Alternative business lines, Amundi

Your European partner for indexing

We provide excellent equity and bond index management by drawing on our extensive experience, comprehensive in-house research and wide knowledge of asset classes and indices.

Index management from one of the leading asset managers

Picto - Deals - Investment
A European leader Benefit from our negotiating power⁴
Picto - Products
Tailor-made solutions designed to meet your needs
Picto - Years experience
SRI and Smart Beta Recognised experience

Competitive and innovative service offering

Using the significant resources and bargaining power of one of the world’s leading asset managers, our index management team is able to negotiate competitive prices. At each step of the investment process, particular attention is paid to risk, liquidity, transparency and cost.

Using the significant resources and bargaining power of one of the world’s leading asset managers, our index management team is able to negotiate competitive prices. At each step of the investment process, particular attention is paid to risk, liquidity, transparency and cost.

The index management is fully involved in the Responsible Investing policy of Amundi, through the voting policy of the group and the solutions developed. Investors can customise their investment choice depending on their specific requirements to be ethical, low-carbon and/or conform to certain environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

The index management is fully involved in the Responsible Investing policy of Amundi, through the voting policy of the group and the solutions developed. Investors can customise their investment choice depending on their specific requirements to be ethical, low-carbon and/or conform to certain environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

We can replicate all types of Smart Beta indexes from any index provider (MSCI, FTSE, ERI Scientific Beta, etc.) using either a mono or multi Smart Beta approach.

We can replicate all types of Smart Beta indexes from any index provider (MSCI, FTSE, ERI Scientific Beta, etc.) using either a mono or multi Smart Beta approach.

Smart Beta & Factor Investing

Smart Beta & Factor Investing strategies have been developed by academic experts and practitioners to address the two main limits of traditional market capitalization weighted indices.

Firstly, these indices do not adequately capture rewarded risk premia. Secondly, risk tends to be concentrated in few stocks or sectors.

In response, different approaches have emerged with the objective to outperform and/or optimize risk vs cap-weighted indices. Even if there is no widely accepted definition, these Smart Beta strategies generally cover Risk-Efficient Solutions and Factor Investing.

Picto - AuM
>€30bn Assets under management¹
Picto - Years launch
>10 years track record¹

Smart Beta & Factor Investing by Amundi

In a context of more frequent equity market shocks and higher volatility, investors are looking for new solutions providing robust performance and controlled - even exploited - risks.

In order to answer these new needs, Amundi offers a complete range of Smart Beta & Factor Investing solutions, managed by a team of dedicated experts.


At Amundi, we are convinced that it is necessary to focus on risk management to generate a strong performance over the long term.

Bruno Taillardat
Global head of Smart Beta & Factor Investing, Amundi
For a long time, traditional equity investing has aimed at generating returns rather than managing risk. But in recent years institutional investors have started to change their attitude: mitigating risk is now more important than maximizing returns. The regulatory environment also leads to narrow capital requirement - and therefore the involved risks - without deteriorating performance.

For a long time, traditional equity investing has aimed at generating returns rather than managing risk. But in recent years institutional investors have started to change their attitude: mitigating risk is now more important than maximizing returns. The regulatory environment also leads to narrow capital requirement - and therefore the involved risks - without deteriorating performance.

Investors are thus increasingly wishing to conceive their allocation in terms of risks, rather than by country or sector.

To properly manage multi-dimensional risks, only a scientific and disciplined portfolio construction process can  enhance  diversification for better long-term performance.

The question is no longer why Smart Beta, but how to embrace it. Amundi mobilized the best of its resources (management teams, Research, Analysts, etc.) to identify, define and accompany the implementation of the Smart Beta strategy that fits the most the objectives and constraints of each investor.

The question is no longer why Smart Beta, but how to embrace it. Amundi mobilized the best of its resources (management teams, Research, Analysts, etc.) to identify, define and accompany the implementation of the Smart Beta strategy that fits the most the objectives and constraints of each investor.

Within product offering investors can find the:

  • Risk-Efficient Solutions│To avoid unrewarded risk premia
  • Factor Investing Solutions│To make the most of risk premia
In addition to open-ended funds, we can also provide investors with added-value services, to analyze their portfolios identify factor or risk biases that may affect negatively their performance.

In addition to open-ended funds, we can also provide investors with added-value services, to analyze their portfolios identify factor or risk biases that may affect negatively their performance.

They can also benefit from our ability to build customized Smart Beta investment solutions, taking into account additional constraints such as ESG, Low Carbon, exclusions in terms of sectors or countries.

International - ETF Indexing Smart Beta - Smart Beta

Smart Beta - Dynamic Factor Allocation

A step further in risk management with Smart Beta and Factor Investing

Assets in Smart Beta funds are at an all-time high, showing compound average growth of more than 30 percent over the past five years, as investors seek new ways of managing risk and enhancing their portfolios’ performance. Interest in the investment approach was initially triggered by the difficulty investors were having in finding performance through traditional management based on the expected return from equities, mainly because of market shocks over the last decade. Smart Beta and Factor Investing solutions were able to bridge this divide, providing enhanced long-term potential performance by focusing on managing risk. It’s now a firmly established investment strategy, poised for further growth as it meets investors’ new expectations in terms of risk management.

“Smart Beta is growing very quickly. A lot of it is people moving from actively managed funds and traditional passive approaches and we see no let-up in the assets that are flowing towards this,” says Nick Motson, Associate Dean, MSC program, Cass Business School. According to figures from Morningstar, assets under management in Smart Beta funds are on track to hit $1 trillion by the end of this year.

For investors, research has shown clear benefits. The Cass Business School carriedout a study comparing how non cap-weighted strategies would have performed compared with traditional index weighted ones from 1968 to 2011. It found all of the Smart Beta exposures provided a better risk-adjusted return. 

It’s a way to be fully exposed to equities with the objective to reduce the risk that is going to cut into the performance.

Bruno Taillardat
Global head of Smart Beta & Factor Investing, Amundi

It’s a way to be fully exposed to equities with the objective to reduce the risk that is going to cut into the performance,” explains Bruno Taillardat, Global Head of Smart Beta and Factor Investing at Amundi, a French asset management firm with more than €2 trillion5 under management.  Traditional equity funds typically allocate money to companies based on their market capitalisation. As a result, a large company will get a larger weighting, even if other pointers dictate that it may be overvalued. Diversification in these traditional funds has come from combining sectors, or geographies that will perform differently according to the prevailing economic cycle. Smart Beta and Factor Investing solutions diversify differently, tilting exposure towards ‘factors’ that have been proven historically to capture risk premia. These factors can include dividend yield, price momentum, volatility and the relative value to peers, and each will perform differently depending on market and economic cycles.

By combining these different factors, it’s possible to create a highly diversified portfolio that can be tailored to fit a broad spectrum of investment objectives. For example, a portfolio of value stocks, which hold the potential for higher growth, but also higher risk, can be balanced with shares in companies that have historically been shown to have low volatility, providing a defensive hedge. “It’s perhaps best used, using a multi-diversified factor approach that can then enhance returns,” says Richard Dell, Global Head of Equity at Mercer, a global consulting firm.

Smart Beta and Factor Investing are based on an objective set of investment criteria, providing a high level of transparency for the investor. They can also provide the groundwork for a bespoke investment solution, for example for an investor whose concern may be to maintain a low carbon footprint, or abide by ethical and social governance criteria. At present, the majority of Smart Beta funds are linked to the equity markets, although the same rationale can equally be applied to fixed-income. Investor concerns about low yield, volatility fears and credit risk all provide fertile ground for the expansion of Smart Beta and Factor Investing bond products.

“Factors should be seen as a way to better diversify the different assets, so no longer focusing only on equities but also trying to find the best instruments in fixed income or other asset classes,” says Bruno Taillardat. With investors embracing strategies to focus on risk to enhance performance, Smart Beta and Factor Investing have taken root as a thriving sector in the equity fund management universe... and which now have other asset classes in its sights.

Working with recognized partners

Maximizing diversification in order to capture the risk premium of an asset class
International - ETF - logo

TOBAM’s Maximum Diversification® approach, supported by original, patented research and a mathematical definition of diversification, provides clients with diversified core exposure, in both the equity and fixed income markets.

The Anti-Benchmark® strategy is based on the Maximum Diversification® approach and designed to access risk premium evenly from all the effective independent sources of risk available in the market at any given time.

Fully quantitative approach, developed, refined and maintained in-house by TOBAM research team.

Thought Leadership

30 September, 2017
Amundi Smart Beta and Factor Investing Solutions - September 2018 - EN
14 March, 2018
“Investing in equity factors for the long run” - A Thinking Ahead Institute practical guide co-authored with Amundi
14 September, 2021
Quarterly Factor Overview

Amundi Smart Beta Viewpoint series

13 February, 2024
Enhancing the risk/return profile of High Equity Income solutions
17 November, 2023
Minimum volatility equity strategies
4 April, 2023
Viewpoint - Integrating Net Zero objectives into Multi-Factor Equity portfolios
17 January, 2022
Viewpoint - Factor investing: a different approach to seeking market performance

International industry recognition

International - ETF logo ETF STREAM AWARDS 2022


ESG ETF Issuer of the year

International - ETF - Logo Clarity Awards 2022


UK ESG Equity Passive - Amundi MSCI UK IMI SRI PAB
International - ETF - Logo Awards 2022


  • Miglior ETF Azionario Italia Amundi Ftse Mib Ucits Etf - Eur (C)
  • Miglior ETF Obbligazionario ESG Corporate - Euro Amundi Index Euro Corporate Sri 0-3Y Ucits Etf Dr (C)
  • Miglior ETF Azionario ESG Nord America Amundi S&P 500 Esg Ucits Etf Dr (C)


  • Miglior ETF Obbligazionario Inflation-Linked Lyxor Core Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond (Dr) Ucits Etf - Acc
  • Miglior ETF Azionario Mondo Lyxor Core Msci World (Dr) Ucits Etf - Acc (Usd)
  • Miglior ETF Obbligazionario ESG Corporate - High Yield Lyxor Esg Usd High Yield (Dr) Ucits Etf - Dist
1 All figures and data are provided by Amundi ETF, Indexing & Smart Beta as of 31/12/2023
2 Source: Amundi ETF, ETC Gold included, as at 31/12/2023
3 Source: ETFGI, June 2023, Amundi ETF is the leading European headquartered ETF provider within the European market.
4 Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2023, based on assets under management as at 31/12/2023
5 Source: Amundi data as at 31/12/2023



This information is exclusively intended for “Professional” investors within the meaning of the MiFID Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004, and articles 314-4 and following of the General Regulations of the AMF. It is not intended for the general public or for non-professional individual investors within the meaning of all local regulations, or for “US Persons”, as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the 1933 U.S. Securities Act.

This non-contractual information does not under any circumstances constitute an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell, or advice to invest in financial instruments of Amundi or one of its affiliates (“Amundi”).

Investing involves risks. The performance of the strategies is not guaranteed. In addition, past performance is not in any way a guarantee or a reliable indicator of current or future performance. Investors may lose all or part of the capital originally invested.

There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance a fund’s investment strategy or performance.

Potential investors are encouraged to consult a professional adviser in order to determine whether such an investment is suitable for their profile and must not base their investment decisions solely on the information contained in this document.

Amundi assumes no liability, either direct or indirect, resulting from the use of any of the information contained in this document, and shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any decisions taken on the basis of this information.

This information may not be copied, reproduced, modified, translated or distributed, without the prior written approval of Amundi, for any third person or entity in any country or jurisdiction which would subject Amundi or any of its products to any registration requirements within these jurisdictions or where this might be considered unlawful. This information is provided to you based on sources that Amundi considers to be reliable, and it may be modified without prior warning.

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