International - News - Strengthening cybersecurity to protect clients’ interests

Strengthening cybersecurity to protect clients’ interests

Published 6 May, 2021

Strengthening cybersecurity to protect clients’ interests

Published 6 May, 2021

Cyberattacks and cybercrime are increasing in number and sophistication. In 2021, the European Council is working on a Cybersecurity strategy to build an open and secure cyberspace to create greater trust in digital tools and services. As a leader in financial services and technology, Amundi is concerned and invests more than 6% of the annual IT budget in security measures, with a strong focus on Cyber Resilience to protect clients’ interests.

Amundi is aligned with world leading standards like ISO/IEC 2700x, NIST or OWASP

Amundi Technology ALTO* platforms and services are secured, regulated and audited to ensure best-in-class solutions to all clients. The risk awareness among users, the organization we have created and the permanent control systems we have deployed, collectively guarantee the continuous improvement of our security posture. By joining Amundi Technology, clients benefit from one of the highest level of security in the asset management industry.

Training, testing and processes to prevent cyberattacks

Platform and service security are a coherent set that includes conviction, IT solutions, people and processes to protect clients’ interests and to ensure business continuity.

27 April, 2021
Strengthening Cybersecurity to protect clients’ interests

*ALTO : Amundi Leading Technologies & Operations

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